Julie 10, 2019 — Imagnary House

Ons is 'n boetiekuitgewery vir kinderboeke en jongvolwasse literatuur in Suid-Afrika, en ons vra vir manuskripvoorleggings. Stuur vir ons jou romans, prenteboeke en meer!

Ons missie as 'n uitgewery

Voordat jy induik en jou werk vir ons stuur, is dit goed om te weet waarvoor ons staan. Imagnary House is daarop gefokus om 'n groter mark vir Afrika-kinderskrywers en -illustreerders te bou, deur sowel die plaaslike leserspubliek aan die brand te steek as om met internasionale lesers, regte en literêre agente te skakel.

Lees meer oor die ontwikkeling van ons "verkeerd gespelde" naam.

Ons 2019-oproep vir voorleggings

Raak opgewonde! Op die 1ste Julie 2019 het ons voorleggings oopgemaak, tot die 30ste September 2019.


Ons is opsoek na...

Ons prioriteit vanjaar is om tiener- of fantasie-, wetenskapfiksie- en alternatiewe geskiedenisromans te vind.

Ons oorweeg ook steeds, soos altyd, kinderhoofstukboeke en prenteboeke wat gesofistikeerd, pret en verbeeldingryk is.


Imagnary House het gesê:

@Liz McKenzie – What a wonderful message to receive. Thank you! We will be re-opening our submissions in 2021 and we will make the announcement on all of our social media platforms, as well as through our email newsletter and post a blog announcement… so if you are following us on any of those platforms then you will be sure to be updated. As for right now, we aren’t making any specific dates public – but we are planning on it being within the first half of 2021.

Liz McKenzie het gesê:

I first saw your web page during the hard lockdown 2020. It gave me such hope as Imagnary House is JUST the very publishers I had been looking for.
I was so excited by your attitude towards South African Authors writing books for our South African children, that I submitted my manuscript right then as I was so fired up! Apologies submissions were not open at that time.
I would like to be informed when I can resubmit. Thank you.

Imagnary House het gesê:

Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it is not business as usual and we will only be accepting submissions again in early 2021. We apologise for any inconvenience to authors hoping to submit earlier, but do hold on… we’re almost there!

Jay het gesê:

Please advise when is your call for submission for this year, 2020?

Philip du Plessis het gesê:

When will you receive submissions again?

Imagnary House het gesê:

Hi Adriaan and Shihaam,
We do not have a set date for our 2020 open submissions. Due to setbacks from the COVID-19 crisis, we have had to hold back from considering new material for the foreseeable future until we can better understand the future of the economy and know what we can realistically commit to. We will re-open submissions at some point, however, so please do keep an eye on our social media and website for announcements.
Shihaam, we focus our publishing activity on Southern Africa, but we sell translation rights to our books internationally.

Shihaam het gesê:

When does the2020 submission period start? Does Imagnary publish internationally?

Adriaan Tredoux het gesê:

Hi, i am busy writing a fantasy novel and would like to know when submissions for 2020 can be sent in.

Imagnary House het gesê:

Hi Venessa and Kelly, Just to update you on your questions—yes, all submissions will be responded to, and we are trying our very best to let all submitting authors know the outcome before year-end of 2019.

Kelly van Rooyen het gesê:

Hi there! I submitted a manuscript at the end of August – will I hear from you before the end of the year?

Vennessa het gesê:

hi there. wrt the recent submission period: if a manuscript is rejected, will you let authors know?

Imagnary House het gesê:

Hi Amanda,
We do accept Afrikaans manuscripts! We look forward to reading your submission. Please make sure, however, that your synopsis and author bio is written in English.
Best, Imagnary House

Amanda Coetsee het gesê:

Do you accept Afrikaans manuscripts as well? I am looking for a publisher for a teen fantasy.

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