The Story Behind Our Name, "Imagnary House" not "Imaginary House"
Yes, we can spell. We assure you.
When our founder, Bradley Harris, was looking for a name for his publishing business in 2015, he coined ’Imaginary House’. The name grew from out of a phrase that a mentor once impressed upon him.
"If you walk in the measurable, you miss out on the imaginable."
The phrase had him summarise his hopes for the local children's literary scene, in that he wanted to inspire new generations with imagination before morals. He had almost gone ahead with this name, when a chance misspelling by a friend's child had him re-think his decision. On a torn piece of paper, in coloured crayon, he saw written: ‘Imagnary’. Quite immediately, he adopted the misspelt name instead, as it so perfectly mimicked the child-like heart he was after. And so was born our publishing house, Imagnary House, already with a heart for story above the rules of language.

We invite you to walk the journey with us
“We believe that beautiful books, made of imaginative illustrations and meaningful stories, become collectables. They are a legacy of childhood to be passed onto our children, and to their children. The touch of a book, the feel and smell of the paper, being able to interact with each page is something that ignites the imagination and stays with the child forever, creating a lifelong love for imaginative story.”
— Brad Harris