Reading Support: A South African Book Poll
Thank you for helping us serve the South African book industry and beyond! We so appreciate you. This small effort helps us enormously in choosing what, how, and where to publish books.
Blog posts
What Does a Literary Agent Do? A Children's Guide to Publishing (Part Three)
Read all about literary and foreign rights agents, what they do, their influence on publishing, how they encourage literacy, and how they enable change. You don't want to miss out learning about this absolutely critical role within the publishing industry.
What Does a Publisher Do? A Children's Guide to Publishing (Part Two)
In our last blog we spoke about the relevance of libraries. While we delved into why libraries are still relevant today, we didn't answer the question of "Where do libraries get their books?" So, how does a book enter the public domain (in other words, get into our hands)? Getting an idea from an author’s imagination into the hands of the reader requires careful curating and a host of people are involved, but one of the most vital roles is that of the Publisher.
Are Libraries Still Relevant? Um.... Yes! But Why?
Libraries have been with us since man first began writing. But has the digital revolution made them a thing of the past? After all, so much is available online. Have libraries become too ‘old school’ requiring far more effort than just plugging into a search engine?
Imagnary House said:
Hi Rashmika, Thank you so much for your kind words to our team. We love the motivation that our local community offers us, and we hope to support that motivation with incredible local reads that truly stand up beside the international names. Thank you for your support. Kind regards, Imagnary House
Imagnary House said:
Hi Martin Hatchuel, We totally understand where you are coming from. We do hope the poll will be as accurate a general pool of information can be—it will always be a general outlook of our current market. However, our purpose of this poll is to ask which option of every question you are “most likely” to choose/buy/read/do. If you were to equally choose all options at the moment, then we would advise rather not to vote on that polling question at this time, and if your situation changes, you can return and vote at another time. All the best, Imagnary House
Rashmika said:
I love that your focus is youth literature. Very few South African publishers recognize its’ importance, and even fewer publishers accept fantasy and sci-fi, which I personally adore reading. If I want fantasy or magical realism, I read US/UK books. Thank you for making an effort to change that. I’m DYING to read local fantasy and sci-fi. Thanks for being pioneers in this. I really appreciate it.
Martin Hatchuel said:
This poll can’t be accurate if we can only answer one to the type of books we’ve bought, and the places we’ve bought them. Surely most people with access to the web buy online, and most people who love books buy at stores? You can’t always get what you want, so you go to the other option….
Same with hard and soft cover books. I think I buy an equal amount of both, btw, and buy equally from takealot and Bargain Books. (We don’t have Exclusive Books here in the platteland – which is another reason to buy on the web)