While we are a traditional publishing house, we also know that not everyone is looking to be published in this way. That's why our self-publishing services are aimed at just these authors. 

We've structured our self-publishing services so that you're guided by our experts every step of the way, but always make the final decision yourself. In a way, we're helping to set you up as an indie publisher. Below are the options of our professional self-publishing services, which can be customised for you.

Simplified Self-Publishing: Book Editing, Design, Production, and Marketing

  1. Manuscript Editing
  2. Book Design and Illustration
  3. Book Production and eBook Conversion
  4. Book Marketing
  5. Book Distribution

Authors may take advantage of all of these services in one package, or simply choose which are best suited to their needs. Prices may also vary, especially according to each author's budget.

We almost always recommend our editing service for self-publishing authors, if your manuscript hasn't already gone through a proofing and editing process.

Our book editing services are as follows:

  1. Novel-length manuscript proof-reading and detailed edit.
  2. Picture book proof-reading and detailed edit.

If you're interested in our editing service, we usually require the following from you before we start editing: 

  • The title of the book
  • The manuscript word count
  • A short synopsis of approximately 150 words
  • The first two chapters of your manuscript  

Self publishing Book Design and Illustration services for indie authors

While people might say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover... most people do. It's natural, and the first thing that can sell your book without anyone even opening it. But, we don't stop just at the cover. We can help to illustrate your entire book. 

  • Book cover.
  • Book cover & jacket.
  • Picture book illustration (Covers + endpapers + 32 illustrated pages).
  • Please contact us for a custom quote. 

You can read more about our book design and illustration services if you'd like to know more. 

Self publishing Book Production and Printing services for indie authors

By signing up for our self-publishing solution services, you get access to our wonderful litho/digital printer and eBook conversion services.

Print and production prices will vary, depending on the book that you're wanting to create. Production quotes are also always subject to change after 30 days, because of the changing currency, paper prices, and other unforeseeable factors. In order for us to supply an accurate quote, we suggest first chatting to us about what it is that you're looking for. 

Self publishing Book Marketing services for indie authors

This service is always a personal experience with every author. We will market your wonderfully produced book to the South African masses... while always keeping your budget in mind. 

It might include planning and organising a book launch, book tour, art gallery, poster design and placement, press releases, official reviews, and more!

Please note that the author is always expected to do marketing of their own, and treat their book as their own. We never take sole responsibility for the marketing of a book. Get in touch with us to speak more about our book marketing services. 

Self publishing Book Distribution services for indie authors

    At an annual fee, we will organise and handle the distribution of your book to all major cities, centres, retailers, and independent bookstores. 

    * Subject to our distribution agreement terms and conditions. 

    For more information, please contact us to get in touch with one of our experts.