We have been selected for the Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair) Invitation Programme for 2020 and 2021! 

We are humbled for our publisher to be taking part in the Frankfurter Buchmesse Invitation Programme for 2020 and 2021, which is a program dedicated to support publishers from developing nations highlighted around the world.

Frankfurter Buchmesse Book Fair Invitation Programme 2020

Following on from Imagnary House's shortlisting for the BOP Best Children's Publishers of the Year earlier this year, our small team is very excited and motivated by the exposure, education, knowledge share and potential these selections bring us. In a time where the world is short on silver linings, we cling onto those that come by tightly. 

Being a part of the Invitation Programme means that we get access to both the 2020 virtual fair and the 2021 physical fair. For these years, the focus lies on children’s books in particular, which means that publishers focused on this segment of the industry will be heavily engaging in the fair, promoting their authors and illustrators, sharing knowledge, buying/selling rights, and expanding networks through virtual and physical workshops, pitch meetings, and other networking events. 

What is the Frankfurter Buchmesse Invitation Programme?

The programme was created for and dedicated to publishers from countries with developing book industries, offering independent publishing companies from Africa, UAE, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean the chance to participate in the world's biggest book fair (Frankfurt).

"For publishing companies from these regions, globalisation is a two-edged sword. Access to the world market seems easier thanks to all-pervasive communications. At the same time, the advance of new conglomerates makes it harder to break into the market."

The primary goal of the programme is to guarantee the presence of a select group of ±20 publishing houses at the industry's biggest fair, and to foster networking between those selected and others attending the fair. 

Have a look at the full list of selected candidates on the Frankfurt Book Fair website.  

Gordon Ritchie
Tagged: Publishing


How exciting! Congratulations Imagnary House!

— Sarah